Luna's lens

Luna Gooriah
  • Creative
  • Designer

Luna tells visual stories. From Japanese convenience stores to AI-driven near-human entities, Luna looks for the story lurking beneath the surface of any subject matter and finds visual ways of expressing it. Having studied Communications in Brussels, completed an Art Direction Masters degree at UAL in London and spent time in India, Sri Lanka and Tokyo, Luna infuses the stories of the world into her work.

Love exploring and bridging cultures Stickers Collector (Belgian, always) chocolate aficionado Director of oat iced lattes London best food spots connoisseur Obsessed with trains Collector of curses in all possible languages


question 1

Tell us about your gap year in India – How did it shape who you are today?

It was my first time travelling alone, and at 18 going to India by yourself is definitely a big, big jump out of your comfort zone. Especially coming from the quiet suburbs of a European city. I remember crying on the plane from Belgium thinking ‘what am I doing?’. However, a few months later, I found myself crying on the plane back from India, not wanting to leave. This experience made me eager to expose myself to the unknown and find fulfilment in making an unfamiliar place feel like home. 

Oh and also, the food. Self explanatory.

question 2

Which subject can you talk about the longest? Go!

The art of curating a Spotify playlist. There’s something so fascinating about how people organise their music. Fight me but I think finding the best Spotify playlist title is an art form. (Although I have to admit, half of mine are still named after emojis, so I’m more on the appreciative side here.)

I love how every playlist corresponds to a certain mood, activity, memory… or sometimes even a certain person! The fact you can personalise the title, the playlist image, the songs order makes it so personal. Stalking someone’s Spotify is probably the most underrated way to get to know someone.

question 3

What do you find most rewarding and most challenging about the work you do? 

The best thing is being able to watch a project bloom from the most random tangent during a brainstorm session to a polished delivery I would pin on my Pinterest board. The ability to go on wild tangents during monopo brainstorming sessions has been a significant plus because everyone seems to contribute to the out-of-the-box ideas instead of shooting them down.

On the other hand, a challenging aspect would be getting out of a creative slump. When you feel your creative brain is running on empty. Sometimes I feel guilty for not having ideas but I realise the need for me to step back and get a broader perspective. This might sound a bit cheesy but taking space and time to recharge my creative battery is often the best thing I can do. Exposing myself to something completely new and different often inspires me the most, even if that means falling down a rabbit hole somewhere on TikTok.

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